The era of computing power is coming, OpenPower starts the global AI computing power revolution

Watt’s improved steam engine triggered the first industrial revolution , and mankind moved from agricultural civilization to industrial civilization; the principle of electromagnetic induction inspired the second industry, and human society entered the electrical age; the third industry marked by information technology and the The powerful force bursting out from the fourth industry characterized by artificial intelligence has profoundly affected our economy and society.
In the digital era, data is the new means of production, computing power is the new productivity, new industries are sweeping in, the network is omnipresent, computing power is everywhere, and intelligence is omnipresent. Whoever has powerful computing power will Armed with the password to determine the future, standing at a new starting point in the era of computing power, the world is accelerating on the new track of the digital economy, and mankind has entered the turning point of the smart era.

From computing chips and abacus to transistor computers and VLSI computers, from the mysteries of general computing and heterogeneous computing to the application scenarios of cloud computing, edge computing, big data, and AI, from water networks, power grids to computing networks, small From nano-level chips to nebulae in the sea of stars, from computing to intelligent computing, the 5G industry is in the ascendant, and the competition for 6G has already begun… How to promote computing power science from quantitative change to qualitative change, and how to achieve leapfrog development in the era of computing power It has become an inevitable and important proposition for enterprises and individuals.

Whoever masters AI computing power holds the key to the future world.

In the future , computing power can become the basic energy source that empowers the digital and intelligent transformation of society, just like heat and electricity. From the four major scenarios of cloud computing, edge computing, big data, and artificial intelligence to 6G, “skyscraper” computing power, and quantum computing, from the current exciting developments to the grand blueprint for the future, from theoretical frameworks to practical cases, from social changes to enterprises Strategy, the era of computing power is coming, the market has opened, and a new technological revolution has begun that cannot be missed.

The industrial transformation caused by the rapid development of computing power is an unavoidable topic of the times for countries, organizations and individuals.

“Computing power” is the basic platform of intelligence, and “computing power” has also become the “basic energy” in the era of intelligence, which is related to the survival and development of the entire society. How to understand the trend and take advantage of it during the critical window period? How to gain technological advantages to empower the industry in the era of computing power? How to find personal direction in the ever-changing development of intelligence? The changes caused by the rapid development of computing power are an unavoidable topic of the times for every country, organization, and individual.

Computing power, also known as computing power, is the ability to process data. With the development of digital technology and digital economy, the total amount of global data has shown explosive growth, which has promoted the continuous upgrading of computing power needs and requirements. Human society has moved towards intelligence and digitization, and computing resources have entered a stage where demand exceeds supply. As a result, the importance of computing power has been raised to an unprecedented level.

With the massive data demand generated by smart cars, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, the computing power gap continues to emerge. The continuous construction and improvement of 5G networks has accelerated the advancement of the Internet of Everything. At the same time, multiple scenarios with greater bandwidth and lower latency have emerged. Massive data continues to emerge. The data structure has changed from a single mode to a multi-mode, and unstructured data is increasing day by day. The requirements for real-time processing of massive and complex data are higher. In the next 5-10 years, there will be a critical point of exponential growth in data volume, and the supply of computing power needs to continue to expand.

Only by laying a solid foundation can we move forward steadily ; only by accumulating solid foundations can we make further progress. At present, the era of AI computing power is coming. The birth of OpenPower has accelerated the evolution of AI computing power in the future . A grand blueprint for the era of AI computing power is slowly unfolding towards us .

OpenPower aims to provide various industries with a high-performance distributed intelligent computing network that is cost-effective, low-latency, high-density, wide-coverage, flexible, secure and can be infinitely expanded. It will lay a solid foundation of AI computing power for another industrial revolution and civilizational leap in human society.

OpenPower technology mainly focuses on two key directions: for the improvement of the performance of a single computing node, the emergence of non-von Neumann architecture chips represented by quantum chips and brain-like chips has brought the dawn of computing hardware revolution; for the improvement of computing power systems Efficient utilization of multiple heterogeneous computing at the chip level and data center level will follow the trend of cloud-edge integration to build a new computing system that can be used anytime, anywhere and on demand. Computing power is the carrier of the integration of multiple fields and technologies, and humankind’s pursuit of computing power has no limits.

In the future, with the continuous development of OpenPower technology, computing performance and energy efficiency will usher in new breakthroughs, and the computing power system will undergo disruptive changes. With the support of OpenPower technology, more smart and intelligent applications will emerge, and green, low-carbon, open and open source computing power will also become an irreversible trend.

Currently, mankind is in the midst of the third wave of technological revolution. This technological revolution will likely lead human civilization to a higher level. The past two technological revolutions consumed a lot of energy. This technological revolution not only requires more energy, but also requires endless computing power. With the development of science and technology at this stage, after we realize the vastness of the universe and the limitations of physical rules, countless computing problems have simultaneously arisen that cannot be carried by the human body. All of these can only be gradually solved by relying on the continuous accumulation of computing power. Therefore, the biggest contradiction in the future of mankind is the contradiction between growing data processing and limited computing power! How to maximize limited computing power will also become the optimal solution to the current contradiction.

OpenPower wants to use its computing power network to empower other industries, especially AI, which is naturally integrated with computing power. Through computing power, productivity can be improved more efficiently. Combined with the blockchain, we can embrace the arrival of this new change and jointly build a real blockchain civilized world. When in the future AI (productivity), big data (production materials), When the three blockchains (production relations) are truly combined, they will push civilization to a higher level with higher efficiency and speed.

To achieve efficient distributed AI computing, the performance requirements of TPU, GPU, CPU, memory, bandwidth and network latency of hardware nodes are extremely high. Considering the global complex network environment, edge computing must also be taken into account. OpenPower consists of server clusters forming data center nodes, and a large number of dispersed personal devices forming edge nodes, aiming to achieve an AI supercomputing network with extreme energy efficiency.

OpenPower starts the global AI computing power revolution

In the field of AI computing, both the growth rate of data scale and the diversification of data forms have far exceeded the current processing and computing capabilities. In the next ten years, architectural innovation will be the main driving force for innovation. OpenPower high-performance distributed intelligent computing network Will bring exponential expansion effects.

OpenPower will create a high-performance distributed intelligent computing network, giving everyone and all industries around the world the opportunity to participate and use AI computing power simply and efficiently to start the AI computing power revolution.