OpenPower high-performance distributed intelligent computing network opens a new era for the AI computing power industry

In 1961, John McCarthy, the “Father of Artificial Intelligence”, proposed the goal of Utility Computing. He believes: “One day, computing may be organized as a public utility, just like the telephone system is a public utility.”

Now, his vision has become a reality. Under the digital wave, computing power has become a public basic resource like water and electricity, and data centers and communication networks have also become important public infrastructure. This is the result of more than half a century of hard work in the IT and communications industries.

For the entire human society, computing power is no longer a concept in a technical dimension . It has risen to an economic and philosophical dimension, becoming the core productivity in the digital economy era and the cornerstone of the digital and intelligent transformation of the entire society. Each of our lives, as well as the operation of factories and enterprises, and the operation of government departments, are inseparable from computing power. In key areas such as national security, national defense construction, and basic subject research, we also need massive computing power.

Computing power determines the speed of digital economic development and the height of social intelligence development.

According to IDC data, for every 1 point increase in the computing power index, the digital economy and GDP will grow by 3.5‰ and 1.8‰ respectively. The computing power scale and economic development level of countries around the world have shown a significant positive correlation. The larger the computing power of a country, the higher the level of economic development.

In the future society, informatization, digitalization and intelligence will further accelerate. The arrival of the era of intelligent interconnection of all things, the introduction of a large number of intelligent IoT terminals, and the implementation of AI intelligent scenarios will generate unimaginable massive amounts of data , which will further stimulate the demand for computing power. According to predictions by relevant organizations , by 2025, the global computing power will reach 6.8 ZFLOPS, an increase of 30 times compared with 2021 .

Currently, the global computing industry is entering a golden age. According to IDC forecasts, the global computing industry investment space is expected to reach US$1.14 trillion by 2023. In the future, the Intelligent Computing Center will be built around the three principles of open standards, intensive efficiency, and universal benefit, and will present three main trends: a more open and diverse architecture and standard system; through the infrastructure and integration of computing power and algorithms ization to make services more efficient; establish an intelligent computing ecosystem to make intelligent computing centers more usable.

A new round of computing power revolution is accelerating.

OpenPower ‘s goal is to build the world’s largest high-performance distributed intelligent computing network and lay a solid foundation for AI computing power for another industrial revolution and civilizational leap in human society.

At present, the improvement of computing performance faces challenges from multiple dimensions, and the development of computing power has entered a bottleneck period. From a hardware perspective, as the silicon-based chip manufacturing process approaches its limit and the problems of “memory wall” and “power consumption wall” become prominent, the performance of computing platforms such as CPU and GPU is unable to improve, and Moore’s Law is gradually losing its effectiveness. From a network perspective, there are still deficiencies in the ability of computing nodes to allocate computing resources flexibly and efficiently through the network. The loss and overhead of data transmission are too high, and computing resources cannot be effectively utilized. From a cost-effective perspective, the investment in computing power-related software and hardware facilities is not directly proportional to the return. The computing field urgently needs cost-effective solutions that continue Moore’s Law.

In order to solve the above problems and break the computing power crisis, OpenPower technology mainly focuses on two key directions: improving the performance of a single computing node, and the emergence of non-von Neumann architecture chips represented by quantum chips and brain-like chips, which has revolutionized computing hardware. It has brought hope; for the efficient use of computing power systems, multiple heterogeneous computing at the chip level and data center level will follow the trend of cloud-edge integration to build a new computing system that can be used anytime, anywhere and on demand.

Oasis Innovation Labs is a laboratory focused on the research and application development of decentralized AI computing network technology. Its mission is to build reliable infrastructure for Web3.0, and to this end it has developed powerful decentralized AI computing power and application tools ; its vision is to create a larger, lower-cost and more efficient huge computing power chain network to build and collect. The distribution and scheduling network is different from the traditional centralized computing network and cloud computing network. OpenPower will create the world’s largest intelligent computing cluster resource pool.

Oasis Innovation Labs have different professional backgrounds. The R&D team is composed of experts, professors and PhDs from many different fields such as blockchain, Internet, distributed computing network, cryptography, etc. The great prospects of blockchain decentralization are and the vision of improving the efficiency of computing power networks bring them together to provide support and guarantee for the continuation of human civilization.

Computing power is the carrier of the integration of multiple fields and technologies, and humankind’s pursuit of computing power has no limits. In the future, with the continuous development of OpenPower technology, computing performance and energy efficiency will usher in new breakthroughs, and the computing power system will undergo disruptive changes. With the support of OpenPower technology, more smart and intelligent applications will emerge, and green, low-carbon, open and open source computing power will also become an irreversible trend.

OpenPower wants to use its own intelligent computing network to empower all walks of life , integrate it naturally with computing power , improve productivity more efficiently, combine it with the blockchain, embrace the arrival of this new change, and jointly build a real district Blockchain civilized world.

OpenPower believes that integrating global high-performance hardware and idle hardware will lead to the era of high-performance distributed intelligent computing, and the world’s demand for computing power is OpenPower’s biggest consensus.

OpenPower aggregates scattered AI physical computing resources into a huge computing power pool to perform computing tasks in response to different development needs. It also provides a variety of performance optimization solutions from the aspects of data, algorithms and models, provides fine-grained scheduling and deployment, and accurately supports The exclusive use and sharing of specific TPU, GPU, CPU, memory and other AI computing resources of a single node. For developers, operating a dispersed AI cluster resource can be as simple as using a computer , allowing developers to focus on their own tasks. Efficient development in professional fields.

OpenPower integrates global servers and AI computing equipment to perform low-latency and high-speed on-demand output to form an AI intelligent computing network. This is an advanced breakthrough in technology and thinking, and a great practice of blockchain carbon neutrality.

In the future, OpenPower will focus on promoting the computing power industry from the following three aspects.

In terms of continuing to promote the construction of computing power infrastructure, we will coordinate the layout of green and intelligent computing power infrastructure, promote the construction of an integrated big data center system, and accelerate the creation of multi-level computing power with data network collaboration, data cloud collaboration, cloud edge collaboration, and green intelligence. Facilities system, achieve continuous and significant improvement in computing power level, and consolidate the “computing power base” for the development of the digital economy.

In terms of concentrating on promoting core and key technology research, we will enhance independent innovation capabilities, accelerate research and development breakthroughs in high-end chips, new data centers, supercomputing and other fields, strengthen technological layouts such as advanced computing and computing network integration, and promote the computing power industry in an efficient and green direction. develop.

In terms of continuously stimulating the enabling effect of the “engine” of computing power, we will deeply explore the integrated application of computing power in innovative application scenarios such as digital government, industrial Internet, Internet of Vehicles, and financial technology, and improve the use of computing power in traditional industries such as medical care, transportation, and education. application level, accelerating the application of computing power in more production and life scenarios.