The 1st Overseas Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Finals and Awards Ceremony Kicks off in Wuxi Six Major Awards Presented to 211 Contestants

The 2023 Overseas Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Finals and Awards Ceremony was held in Yixing, Wuxi on December 15. Lyu Jiayong, Level II Inspector of Jiangsu Science and Technology Association, and Hu Xiaojian, Deputy Party Secretary and Magistrate of Yixing, attended this event and delivered speeches respectively. Huang Lixia, Chairwoman and Party Secretary of Wuxi Science and Technology Association, and other guests were also present at the Awards Ceremony.

On behalf of Jiangsu Science and Technology Association, Lyu Jiayong first extended congratulations to the winners of the Competition. He said that the success of the First Overseas Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Wuxi will be conductive to exploring the feasibility path of utilizing international science and innovation resources for the high-quality development of local economy and the Competition served as a channel to introduce original, unique, and leading overseas high-tech innovations and entrepreneurship projects to help relevant talents at home and abroad to start up in Jiangsu so as to pool international innovation resources for the development of the province. Lyu also pointed out that Jiangsu Science and Technology Association will continue to serve as the platform to match the talents and different regions across the province and support the innovation and entrepreneurship of high-tech talents.

According to Hu Xiaojian, the Competition facilitated the signing and implementation of a number of high-quality projects which truly promoted the technological innovation of Yixing. The Competition not only reflects the innovation-driven core strategy, but also serves as a powerful tool to attract top-tier innovation resources. Therefore, it is of great significance to the development of talent and innovation in Yixing. Yixing Committee of the CPC and the People’s Government of Yixing will make endeavors to create a favorable environment and provide guarantee for all types of talents to start businesses, work, and live in Yixing.

A total of 211 projects from 15 countries and regions around the world participated in this Competition. After the finals, the project–Consensor AI Fault Detector won the first prize in the final round of the top 15. The Competition brought together a number of “urgently-needed” talents with “advanced diplomas, precision manufacturing technology and sophisticated science knowledge and technology” at home and abroad, and served as a stage for the high-tech talents. It injected new impetus and advantages into the further improvement of industrial chain layout and industrial upgrading in Jiangsu.

(Award Presentation for the First-Prize Project)

Thanks to this Competition, a number of high-quality overseas talents and projects stood out and successfully landed in Wuxi. Contract signing was completed at the Award Ceremony for such projects as intelligent detection and industrialization for quartz wafer defects, Consensor AI fault detector, distributed new energy intelligent maintenance terminal, and industrialization of laboratory-oriented liquid sample intelligent processing technology. Many overseas associations, such as the Nordic Sustainable Development Association, Association of Chinese-European Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ACEIE), and Association of Chinese Doctors in Japan, have also signed cooperation agreements with relevant industrial parks in Yixing. During the event, there were also a series of activities such as local talent policy promotion, academician sharing, and high-tech salon.

(Overseas Association Cooperation Signing Ceremony)

(Keynote speech by Dong Mianxiong, foreign academician of the Engineering Academy of Japan and Vice President of Muroran Institute of Technology)

To achieve greatness, we must be open to all ideas. According to Liu Huilei, Director of the Jiangsu International Science and Technology Exchange and Cooperation Center, the International Center of Jiangsu Science and Technology Association will remain steadfast in the 14th Five-Year Plan for key industrial layout and its overall international talent work. The Center will precisely construct a “three-dimensional” overseas high-level high-tech talent service system, create a comprehensive policy service environment that satisfies the multi-level development needs of overseas talents, attract more overseas talents to start businesses in Jiangsu, and promote more top-level carriers, high-tech projects, and top-notch achievements to be landed and transformed in Jiangsu. (Jiangsu International Science and Technology Exchange and Cooperation Center)