RepubliK (RPK), a Revolutionary Social Media Platform, to List on BitMart Exchange

BitMart, a global digital asset trading platform, will list and debut RepubliK (RPK) on November 14, 2023, for all BitMart users. The RPK/USDT trading pair will be officially available for trading at 10:00 AM (UTC).

What is RepubliK (RPK)?

RepubliK is a revolutionary social media platform that returns power to the creators and users who are the backbone of its community. By distributing RPK tokens based on user contributions, RepubliK empowers its community in a way that platforms like TikTok and Instagram do not.

Here, interactions are not just passive; they actively invest in and propel creators forward. This system ensures that RPK represents 100% of fees generated on RepubliK, encompassing all voting rights and serving as the sole utility token. Uniquely, all fees collected in RPK are redistributed back to the community through continuous airdrops, making RPK the first token to encapsulate the complete value and ownership of an online community. This model allows everyone to have a stake in their favorite creators’ success, transforming how content is valued and rewarded.

Why RepubliK (RPK)?

RepubliK stands out not just in comparison to Web3 Social-Fi projects but also to traditional Web2 social media platforms. It creates a sustainable reward system where RPK tokens are generated while airdropping, and 100% of generated fees are returned to the community. Unlike other platforms, RepubliK doesn’t divide into separate equity, utility, governance, or NFTs; instead, all forms of value accrue directly to the RPK holder.

The platform boasts a fully functioning social media interface familiar to Web2 users, enhanced with unique features like a powerful AI recommendation engine for personalized content, an XP-tiered leveling system for dynamic interaction, and multiple monetization methods such as tipping, paid chats, subscriptions, and exclusive content. This approach ensures creators receive 100% of their earnings and offers users multiple ways to become VIP supporters. The platform’s unique blend of Web3 innovation and Web2 familiarity positions it as a leader in redefining online community engagement and value distribution.

About BitMart

BitMart Exchange is a premier global digital assets trading platform. With millions of users worldwide and ranked among the top crypto exchanges on CoinMarketCap. BitMart currently offers 1000+ trading pairs with one of the lowest trading fees in the industry. Constantly evolving and growing, BitMart is interested in crypto’s potential to drive innovation and promote financial inclusion. To learn more about BitMart, visit their Website, follow their Twitter, or join their Telegram for updates, news, and promotions. Download BitMart App to trade anytime, anywhere.


About RepubliK (RPK)

Total Supply: 3,000,000,000 RPK

Token Type: ERC20

38% Platform

20% Operations

15% Team

12% Private Sale

10% Marketing

5% Public Sale

RepubliK revolutionizes the relationship between digital content creators and their audiences by aligning their interests within a comprehensive ecosystem. More than just a payment method, RepubliK offers a transparent economic system, trustless management of future value streams, exposure and talent discovery, and a virtual performance platform. RPK, as the base currency, plays a pivotal role in this ecosystem, enabling transactions, governance, marketplace operations, and rewarding participants. This approach redistributes power from traditional platforms to creators and supporters, paving the way for better content and more sustainable careers.

To learn more about RepubliK (RPK), please visit their Website, read their Whitepaper, follow their Twitter, join their Telegram and Discord.

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