Public Violet Fybo (PVFYBO), a Universally Applicable Intrinsic Value Digital Unit System, Listed on BitMart Exchange

BitMart, a global digital asset trading platform, listed Public Violet Fybo (PVFYBO) on October 13, 2023, for all BitMart users. The PVFYBO/USDT trading pair was officially available for trading at 09:00 AM (UTC).

What is Public Violet Fybo (PVFYBO)?

Public Violet Fybo (PVFYBO) emerges as a transformative system in the cryptocurrency domain, aiming to offer a coin with appreciative value, tailored for mass adoption. This innovation marks an evolution in the crypto landscape, where value isn’t solely influenced by speculative fluctuations.

Instead, PVFYBO seeks to fill a gap highlighted in the Ethereum white paper by providing a coin system with true intrinsic value. This coin isn’t just another technological advancement; it’s a leap from mere digital implementations to a tool designed for widespread utilization.

Why Public Violet Fybo (PVFYBO)?

PVFYBO stands as a unique proposition, aiming to establish a foundational currency tailored for mass adoption, presenting benefits that resonate with the broader public. Its stability stems from a dual-system approach, ensuring the coin’s value appreciates steadily, shielding it from erratic market forces. This Appreciative Value Stable Coin (UPVSC) is backed by tangible assets and governed by meticulously crafted financial algorithms dictating its supply.

The issuance of PVFYBO is interlinked with the commitment offered by the Justified Recursive Value Growth Coin (JRVGC), symbolized by the Foundation Yield Bearing Object (Fybo) Coin. This isn’t merely a digital system but a practical, reality-grounded mechanism with equilibrating features.


About BitMart

BitMart Exchange is a premier global digital assets trading platform. With millions of users worldwide and ranked among the top crypto exchanges on CoinMarketCap. BitMart currently offers 1000+ trading pairs with one of the lowest trading fees in the industry. Constantly evolving and growing, BitMart is interested in crypto’s potential to drive innovation and promote financial inclusion. To learn more about BitMart, visit their Website, follow their Twitter, or join their Telegram for updates, news, and promotions. Download BitMart App to trade anytime, anywhere.


About Public Violet Fybo (PVFYBO)

Total Supply: 50,000,000,000 PVFYBO

Token Type: ERC20

Detailing its tokenomics, the initial CJRVGC (pvFybo) issuance is pegged for sale at the prevailing market rate, aiming to amass capital worth 120,000,000. The distribution is slated as 14% for project evolution, while a hefty 72% anchors the foundation. Founders are earmarked to receive their 14% post-sale, contingent upon the project’s developmental and foundational milestones.

This phase is anticipated to span 12 months post the UPVSC coin’s inaugural deployment. Once the targeted cap is attained, a second batch of CJRVGC is released, with the sales revenue distributed akin to the previous batch’s percentages. As the project evolves, capital allocation towards developmental aspects diminishes, paving the way for increased recursive fragmentation.

To learn more about Public Violet Fybo (PVFYBO), please visit their Website, follow their Twitter, and join their Telegram.

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