ORIGIN is Evolving – The goal is to establish a decentralized economic order free from the control of traditional governments and financial institutions

The theory of evolution teaches us that the entire world constantly evolves upward and forward over time, with the ultimate goal being absolute perfection. Another implication of this impossibility is that our world is evolving toward an illuminated divinity.

We evolve step by step in this old world; we are born towards the light, break the rules, and open the door to the new world.

In the process of evolution, “ORIGIN” advocates Leave the matter to science and leave consciousness to God. Closely connected to the geek organization “AnarcATt”, founders Ed Snowden and Hiaoouba are committed to creating a new economic order that emphasizes absolute freedom and continues to resist the control of traditional regimes and financial systems.

In today’s world, the complex relationship between finance and political power has become central to the global economic order. The resistance force led by the “Anakite” organization advocates the establishment of a new economic order to maintain absolute freedom.

“Anakite” aims to break the control of traditional political and financial systems. Its members are called “darknet revolutionaries”. In the fight against legal currency and traditional finance, “Anakite” has built a substantial digital identity payment system on the darknet to maintain their anonymity and information privacy. This organization firmly believes in Ed Snowden’s famous saying: “Privacy is part of freedom,” and regards it as a manifestation of its core beliefs.

Under the concept of an anonymous and free worldview, believers went through a lot of development and experiments, and ORIGIN 1.0 was born, outlining an innovative digital universe parallel space based on the principle of anonymity. In this virtual world, individuals can explore new parallel worlds anonymously, share experience, knowledge and wealth, and expand their possibilities without restraint.

“ORIGIN” aims to change the traditional financial system based on advanced blockchain technology, enabling everyone to issue their currency, thereby liberating wealth and promoting financial freedom.

The goal is to establish a decentralized economic order free from the control of traditional governments and financial institutions. Anakite’s “darknet revolutionaries” view ORIGIN’s currency system as a tool for their financial freedom to support their rebellion. This system uses zero-knowledge proof and private transaction technology to protect the anonymity of transactions. Anonymity technology serves as a tool to achieve this goal. Echoing the common belief of geek spirit and free finance, privacy and absolute freedom are the cornerstones of a free society.