Ningde: “Two Dragons Dancing Together” Expressways Built in Mountains and over Seas

In the first quarter of this year, the construction of Ninggu and Ningshang expressways has been accelerated, showing a good momentum of “two dragons dancing together,” laying a solid foundation for fulfilling the annual investment target.

At the foot of Aofeng Mountain, the pavement works on Jiazhu Bridge has been completed, the left part of Dajia Tunnel has achieved its breakthrough, and the first main pier of the cantilever casting overpass at Dongfeng Interchange has been capped… Builders have crossed mountains to accelerate the construction of the Ninggu Expressway.

Over Dongwu Ocean, the first section roadbed of the Project A6 has been successfully completed and inspected, the casting of the first main pier of Dongwu Ocean Grand Bridge has been successfully completed, and the central span of the left part of Yantian Port Grand Bridge has been smoothly closed… Builders have forged ahead amidst waves to create a good start for the Ningshang Expressway.

Roads were once a key factor restricting the development of Ningde and a bottleneck that the city has been trying hard to break through. After years of efforts, Ningde now boasts seven expressways, including Shenhai Expressway, Yongguan Expressway, Lining Expressway, Jingtai Expressway, Zhengyong Expressway, Ningshang Expressway, and Ninggu Expressway, with a total length of 596.84 kilometers.

Recently, reporters visited the construction site of Section C1, Segment A2 of the Ninggu Expressway in Lianxia Village, Yangzhong Town, Jiaocheng District, where earthwork excavation, reinforcement cage transportation, concrete pouring were underway in an intensive construction scene. This segment is one of the key nodes of the Ninggu Expressway and one of the largest expressway projects under construction in Fujian Province. It is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

A bustling construction landscape is also seen at the construction site of Guanmenjiang Channel Bridge on the Ningshang Expressway. Guanmenjiang Channel Bridge is one of the key and challenging projects along the Ningshang Expressway. The navigable channel bridge spans 292 meters across the sea area used for aquaculture by local fishermen. It features complex engineering structures, demanding deep-water construction conditions, high aquaculture density, multiple interferences with ship navigation, high construction safety risks, stringent environmental protection, water and marine conservation requirements, and arduous processes for gaining approval for sea use, as well as a large sea area to be cleared for construction.

Milestones in the bridge’s construction timeline include the commencement of the construction on the steel platform and the steel trestle bridge on May 20, 2021, the drilling of the first pile foundation on July 1, 2022, and the completion of all piers on October 31, 2023.

Currently, the builders are racing against time to expedite the cantilever girder construction, vigorously pushing forward the construction progress. They plan to accomplish the double-span cantilever girder construction task by July 2024, providing girder erection channels for minor milestone projects – Milewan Bridge and Niulianggang Bridge. To date, the project has cumulatively completed an investment of 437 million yuan, accounting for over 85% of the net contract price of 510.44 million yuan.

Like “two dragons dancing together,” the two expressways are built in mountains and over seas. A construction campaign has been launched for the Ningshang Expressway to fully accelerate the project progress. In the first quarter, a total investment of 212 million yuan was completed, achieving 100.9% of its “good start” goal of 210 million yuan, exceeding the scheduled progress by 0.9 percentage points.