Linyi: Promoting New Trends through Civilized Practices, and Cultivating Rural Civilization to Promote Revitalization

In recent years, Xiaoli Mazhuang Village in Xujiahu Town, Linyi City has focused on the construction of rural spiritual civilization in the new era. It regards “promoting traditional culture and inheriting Chinese virtues” as an important measure to build a beautiful and harmonious countryside. The village has fully tapped into its cultural resources, established exemplary sites for family traditions and teachings, and injected a spirit of harmony and progress into the revitalization of rural culture.

As you enter Xiaoli Mazhuang Village, you will be greeted by walls adorned with the theme of “family traditions.” The walls highlight the themes of “establishing family rules, passing on family teachings, fostering family traditions, and promoting family virtues.” They effectively emphasize the promotion of good family traditions and culture to guide the development of civilized rural practices, attracting both villagers and tourists to stop and admire. Villager Li Yongdong often takes his children to walk near the wall paintings, explaining the content to them. He says, “By telling children stories about family traditions, we allow them to be influenced by traditional Chinese virtues from an early age and grow up in a healthy manner.”

These family tradition walls, presented in a concise and visually appealing manner, showcase the spiritual outlook of Xiaoli Mazhuang Village in the new era. They have become an indispensable spiritual “soft power” in the revitalization of the countryside. The secretary of the village party branch in Xiaoli Mazhuang Village stated, “The construction of exemplary sites for family traditions and teachings has been completed this year. In addition to wall paintings, we have also set up signboards providing guidance on family traditions and education. We aim to pass on good family traditions and teachings, while continuously improving the moral literacy and level of rural civilization among villagers.”

Xiaoli Mazhuang Village insists on using festivals and celebrations as a platform to organize cultural and sports activities for villagers every quarter, enriching the spiritual life of the people. This year, the village organized the “Joining Hands to Create a Beautiful Home” activity during the May Day holiday. Parents and children worked together to plant roses. Through immersive family tradition activities, the culture of good family traditions continues to permeate, promoting a healthy rural lifestyle.

Next, Xiaoli Mazhuang Village plans to create 30 beautiful courtyards. It will fully leverage the unique role of rural families in building an ecological and livable beautiful countryside, aiming for the transformation from “beautiful households” to “beautiful villages,” and ultimately to “beautiful villages” throughout the region.

“We will fully utilize the volunteer service teams in each village to explain the meaning of ‘family traditions, family teachings, and family education’ to villagers in a simple and understandable manner. We hope to foster a common understanding among villagers about the importance of family, family education, and family traditions. Through practical actions, we will promote civilized family traditions and build happy families,” said Zhang Hongxia, the publicity committee member of Xujiahu Town.