Detailed Explanation of ORIGIN’s Elders’ Association Structure And Identity Rights

ORIGIN’s recruitment system is deeply rooted in human history. From the story of Joseph Patrick Kennedy and the Federal Reserve to the profound revelations of the economic crisis, every piece of history tells us that understanding the past is the key to understanding the present and building the future.

The ORIGIN temple emissary system consists of 6 elders, 36 masters, 432 messengers and countless believers.

Six veteran observers created ORIGIN but did not participate in any management or related activities

36 masters, recommended by 12 prominent language families around the world

432 messengers, recommended by each Master; each Master can recommend 12

Messengers recommend believers join the membership, and there is no limit to the number of members.


The first step to becoming a believer is to obtain the digital key NFT, your digital identity certificate in the ORIGIN parallel world, with a global total of 777,600 bits.

You can become a believer and obtain an Apostle NFT certificate in the following ways:

  • Donate 0.01 ETH or more to the Dawn Fund;
  • Successfully invite three believers to complete the donation;
  • Spread ORIGIN information on social media, such as entering the DIS and Telegram communities, following and forwarding ORIGIN’s Twitter and YouTube videos, etc.

Believers can enjoy the global income dividend rights of the ORIGIN platform, receive a junior Dawn gift box after going online, and receive additional token airdrop rewards in evangelistic missions.


Messengers play a more critical role in the ORIGIN world, with a global total of 432.

The way to become a messenger is to preach in 3 independent missions so that each mission produces 600 believers, a total of 1,800; at the same time, donate three or more ETH to the Dawn Fund.

After becoming a messenger, you will enjoy higher-level income dividends, mid-level Dawn gift boxes, and 10% token airdrop rewards.


The Master is the top member of the ORIGIN Temple Mission, only 36 in the world. To become a master, you must have nine independent missions and preach to produce nine messengers. As a master, you will enjoy global income dividends, receive a premium Dawn gift box, and a 15% token airdrop reward.

In the ORIGIN Temple Mission, the members’ mission goes beyond exploring knowledge and truth and, more profoundly, assuming social responsibility. This spiritual core is reflected in the Dawn Fund established by ORIGIN. This fund provides essential relief and support to communities facing significant diseases, war conflicts, and natural disasters. ORIGIN fully understands the importance of timely assistance in times of crisis. Whether it is medical assistance, emergency response post-disaster redeveloping, or other emergencies, Dawn Fund is committed to positively impacting a global scale. Mission members can apply for relief funds based on their needs, up to 100 times the original donation amount, to ensure adequate support at critical moments. ORIGIN encourages every member to participate through financial contributions and jointly provide resources, skills, and volunteer services to promote this noble cause.