DeFi 3.0’s Alternative “Believer” ORIGIN

The DeFi 3.0 protocol issued by ORIGIN represents the third evolutionary stage of decentralized finance and is the further development and innovation of the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.

The DeFi 1.0 stage is based on decentralized applications (DApps) based on Ethereum, providing core functions such as mortgage lending, exchanges, and stablecoins. At this stage, the infrastructure of decentralized finance has been initially established, but there are still some problems, such as scalability limitations, security risks, and operational complexity.

The DeFi 2.0 stage is based on DeFi 1.0, using Layer 2 solutions and cross-chain technology to address scalability and interoperability challenges. Transferring some transactions and data to side chains or other blockchain networks reduces transaction costs and congestion, improving the system’s efficiency and availability.

ORIGIN’s DeFi 3.0 represents the further development and innovation of decentralized finance. In the DeFi 3.0 protocol, we can see the following key features of ORIGIN innovation:

1.Cross-chain interoperability: DeFi 3.0 will further enhance cross-chain interoperability, break down barriers between different blockchain networks, and enable the circulation and interaction of different assets and data. It will promote larger-scale asset flows and higher levels of financial innovation.

2.Cross-industry integration: DeFi 3.0 will bring broader cross-industry integration and create more business and financial application scenarios through integration with traditional finance, supply chain, Internet of Things, and other fields. For example, use smart contracts and blockchain technology to increase the transparency and reliability of supply chain finance.

3.Cross-platform user experience: DeFi 3.0 will pay more attention to user experience, provide a more concise, easy-to-use, and secure user interface, and lower the threshold for user participation. Through integration with traditional financial applications, ordinary users can more conveniently use and participate in decentralized financial services.

4.Enhanced security and compliance: DeFi 3.0 will pay more attention to security and compliance, strengthening the auditing and supervision of smart contracts and protocols. It will help reduce vulnerabilities and security risks and increase user trust in decentralized financial systems.

ORIGIN’s innovative DeFi 3.0 protocol represents the further development and innovation of the decentralized financial ecosystem and will bring more efficient, convenient, and safer financial services. However, as technology develops, it will face some challenges, such as privacy protection, regulatory compliance, and risk management. Therefore, the global community needs to work together to promote the sustainable development of the decentralized financial ecosystem and achieve a more open and inclusive financial system.