Artificial Intelligence global coinArtificial Intelligence global coin(AIGBL)

As artificial intelligence (AI) technology becomes increasingly mature, we are entering a new era full of challenges and opportunities. The development of AI has undoubtedly brought us unprecedented convenience, but it has also triggered huge changes in the job market, putting many traditional occupations at risk of being replaced by machines. In this context, how to ensure that everyone can enjoy the dividends brought by technological progress has become a question we have to think about.

The AIGBL project came into being. It is an innovative plan jointly proposed by the American AI Research Center and the Silicon Valley Blockchain Laboratory. By advocating the social policy concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI), we aim to respond to the employment crisis caused by AI. Different from traditional forms of wages, the AIGBL project proposes to provide an unconditional basic income for everyone in the world in the form of global token GBL (Global Coin). This approach can not only protect people’s basic living needs, but also ensure that everyone can equally share the wealth brought by AI technology.

GBL token is a revolutionary concept that converts the wealth generated by AI into a new type of currency and distributes it to everyone around the world on a regular basis. This not only shows a way of economic compensation, but also a brand-new manifestation of social fairness. Through GBL tokens, we hope to let everyone feel the warmth of technological progress, regardless of whether their jobs are replaced by AI.

We firmly believe that the launch of GBL token is not only a response to the challenges of modern society, but also a reflection and investment in the future. It marks that we are not only adapting to technological developments, but also actively exploring how to use these technologies to bring benefits to all mankind. Today, as AI and blockchain technology become increasingly mature, GBL tokens will become an important bridge connecting technology and society, economy and humanity.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of how the AIGBL project and GBL tokens can help build a more just and equal future, we sincerely invite you to visit our official website: Here you will find more details about the project and ways to join us in working together to create an ambitious future.

Let us join hands to move towards this new era driven by AI technology, and jointly witness and participate in the construction of a more inclusive, just and equal future in the digital era. Join the AIGBL project and work together to realize the beautiful vision of global basic income!

Contact: Consensys

Email: [email protected]