“Not Letting the Spring Light Down, Enjoying Reading in Yishui” – Yishui County in Shandong Province Takes Action for Universal Reading

Amidst the spring breeze, we immerse ourselves in the fragrance of books, exploring happiness within the lines and pages. Since the beginning of this year, Yishui County in Linyi City, Shandong Province, has been conducting “universal reading” activities in various locations, sharing classics with book enthusiasts and savoring the essence of literature together.

The “Little Storytellers” reading activity organized by the Yishui County Library attracts a bustling crowd in the reading and sharing room, where adults and children gather. The room is filled with continuous readings and laughter. Exciting interactive games and entertaining story performances allow children to freely wander in the ocean of books, earning rounds of applause from the audience.

“This diverse reading activity organized by the library has created a lively atmosphere and holds significant educational value. It can make children enjoy reading and fall in love with it,” said Wu Yuhong, a parent who attended the event.

“Little Storytellers” is one of the reader activity brands created by the Yishui County Library. Through this form of shared expression, children truly develop a love for reading, share their reading experiences, and pass on the joy of reading. The library becomes a place for parent-child reading, enriching the reading experience and fostering friendship and happiness.

Various towns and streets in Yishui County actively respond to the call for “universal reading” and have carried out a wide range of themed activities. At the cultural center in Yangzhuang Town, a unique teaching activity on calligraphy is taking place. The calligraphy teacher demonstrates the writing of the ancient poem “Ode to the Willow” and explains the key structures, strokes, and techniques. Children diligently copy the characters, comparing them to the model characters, practicing repeatedly. Some children display proper character structures and even achieve elegant brushwork, showcasing the charm of calligraphy.

During the activity, children also create “Ode to the Willow” hand-copied posters, depicting their vision of spring with imaginative drawings. At the end of the event, the calligraphy posters are displayed and exchanged, and the teacher provides feedback and guidance to each child, pointing out areas for improvement and helping them enhance their calligraphy skills.

In recent years, Yishui County has regarded “universal reading” as an important component and remarkable symbol of building a culturally strong county. They consistently adhere to the principle of cultural inclusiveness, focusing on key aspects such as the supply, service, guarantee, and activities related to reading. They strengthen the guidance of reading, cultivate a reading culture, enrich and innovate reading brands, and promote the formation of a favorable atmosphere for universal reading and learning. This empowers Yishui County to gather momentum and enable high-quality development.