Improve Cohesiveness of Overseas Chinese, Build Friendship through Business, Create the Beauty of Jimei

Jimei, Xiamen is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese, and it is also the hometown of Mr. Tan Kah Kee, a prominent Chinese philanthropist known as the “flag of overseas Chinese and glory of the Chinese nation.” 2023 marks the 110th anniversary of the founding of Jimei School by Mr. Tan Kah Kee. To celebrate the significant anniversary, the “Overseas Chinese Perspective on Jimei, Right Time for Investment” 2023 Jimei International Cloud Investment Promotion Conference and Overseas Chinese-language Media Jimei Tour was launched in Jimei, Xiamen on December 5. The event was hosted by the Publicity Department of the CPC Jimei District Committee, the United Front Work Department of the CPC Jimei District Committee, and the Commerce Bureau of Jimei District.

The conference was graced by leaders including Jiang Cairong, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Jimei District Committee, Dai Jinzhu, Executive Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Jimei District Committee, Xie Lefeng, Executive Deputy Director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Jimei District Committee and Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Jimei District, as well as representatives of overseas Chinese businesspeople in Jimei, overseas Chinese organizations, and Chinese-language media at home and abroad.

The Cloud Investment Promotion Conference promoted the key industries and investment policies of Jimei District in a multi-dimensional and all-round manner, aiming to strengthen ties with overseas Chinese, and overseas Chinese businesspeople and leaders, build a platform for exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad, create a dual-track approach for investment attraction, and strive to enhance the development resilience and momentum of Jimei New Town. At the same time, the conference adopted an “online + offline” mode, inviting overseas Chinese leaders, overseas associations, and overseas Chinese-language media representatives from 16 countries and regions across five continents to attend the conference online.

Jiang Cairong, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Jimei District Committee, said in her speech that Mr. Tan Kah Kee’s strong sense of mission – “Education is the foundation of a nation, and developing education is the duty of the people” – has a deep impact on later generations and inspires today’s people to contribute to the construction of Jimei. She sincerely invited overseas Chinese businesspeople to often visit and actively invest in Jimei, and create a beautiful Jimei together.

At the conference, relevant departments of Jimei introduced the list of development opportunities and investment policies of the district, showcasing the advantages of Jimei in industrial clusters, supporting facilities for daily life, ecological and cultural environment, and investment policies. Through personal narratives by representatives of overseas Chinese businesspeople in Jimei, the overseas Chinese businesspeople attending the conference online gained a more comprehensive understanding of the livable and business-friendly Jimei New Town.

The themed music video “Overseas Chinese Perspective on Jimei,” performed by representatives of overseas Chinese youth in Jimei, including Wang Xin, Lin Chengyu, Lin Ran, and Lan Yihong, was released at the event. Speaking about their feelings about singing the song, Wang Xin and Lin Chengyu said that every time they sing the lyrics “Overseas Chinese perspective on Jimei, thinking of Mr. Tan Kah Kee’s words, the letters he sent, for home and society…,” they feel excited, and they will always remember Mr. Tan Kah Kee’s teachings and learn from his spirit – treating people with sincerity and handling matters with perseverance.

With the successful hosting of the Cloud Investment Promotion Conference, the excellent business environment, preferential policy support, and well-equipped supporting facilities of Jimei District has been further promoted, helping Xiamen attract high-quality resources from home and abroad, and contributing to Xiamen’s efforts to take the lead in achieving socialist modernization.

After the conference, the Overseas Chinese-language Media Jimei Tour was conducted. Overseas Chinese businesspeople and leaders, overseas Chinese youth and students, and friends from overseas Chinese-language media visited Jimei Tower, Tan Kah Kee Memorial Museum, Jimei Turtle Garden, and Miles Long Dike. They felt the gentle sea breeze, enjoyed the beautiful scenery of white egrets flying over blue waves and red eaves against evening glow, and visited cultural and historical sites such as the Tan Kah Kee Memorial Museum and Jimei Tower. They not only appreciated the beauty of Jimei but also gained a deeper understanding of the spirit of Tan Kah Kee and the strong humanistic feelings of Jimei.

During the “Overseas Chinese Perspective on Jimei, Right Time for Investment” 2023 Jimei International Cloud Investment Promotion Conference and Overseas Chinese-language Media Jimei Tour, the Philippine Dragon Media Network and Jimei Newspaper signed a cooperation agreement to share resources and promote cooperation. In the future, Jimei District will continue to inherit and promote fine traditional Chinese culture, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Tan Kah Kee, unite more overseas and domestic compatriots, seize urban development opportunities, encourage more overseas Chinese to invest in Jimei, and write a new chapter in the development of Jimei as a hometown for overseas Chinese.