Linyi, Shandong: Developing Rural Homestays Illuminates the Beautiful Economy

With the accelerating pace of urban life, finding a comfortable rural homestay in the mountains and personally experiencing the leisurely atmosphere of Chinese countryside has become an increasingly popular choice for vacationers. Yishui County in Linyi City, leveraging rural revitalization, has launched exquisite “small homestays,” leveraging the rural tourism “big industry” and successfully shaping the Yishui Homestay brand, known as a “home on the go.”

From sporadic development to a flourishing array, from simple accommodation to a tourism and leisure “destination,” from exploring and advancing to standardized development… Local homestays have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, benefiting from the policy support of Yishui County. Among them, the “Ten Measures to Promote the High-Quality Development of Tourism Homestays in Yishui County” effectively guide the development and construction, as well asthe standardized operation of tourism homestays, promoting the high-quality development of the tourism homestay industry in the entire county. The introduction of the “Accommodation Credit” product effectively helps address the financing difficulties faced by the homestay tourism-related industries. The “2023 Overnight Tourism Team Incentive Measures in Yishui County” incentivize tourists from all directions to visit Yishui, stay overnight, and enjoy the night scenery of Yishui.

Relying on the county’s major tourism loop, combined with village improvement and the construction of the beautiful Yishui, the county fully utilizes idle and abandoned resources such as barren slopes, ravines, and vacant residential land around scenic areas such as Tian Shang Wang Cheng (Heavenly King City), Firefly Water Cave, and Natural Underground Gallery. It explores the previously overlooked natural ecological features and simple folk customs of mountains, stone walls, thatched houses, streams, and rivers, bringing dormant resources to life and putting them to use.

While ensuring the preservation of the ecological environment and the original appearance of the countryside, Yishui County also “adorns” the homestays with cultural creativity, injecting historical and cultural elements and local customs into the construction of homestay products. It encourages rural homestays to participate in public cultural services, achieving mutual empowerment. As of now, there have been 39 completed tourism homestays in the entire county, with over 1,100 beds.