Every Village Has Its Own Charm – “My Home is in the Scenic Area”

Taking a small boat, slowly cruising through the unique and picturesque karst caves, with fireflies twinkling like countless stars above, occasional exclamations of awe and admiration echoing in the darkness… In recent days, a group of five tourists entered the 5A-rated scenic area of Yishui County, the Firefly Cave and Underground Grand Canyon, to explore the geological wonders of billions of years and discover the secrets of bioluminescence, embarking on an autumn journey. “Here, there are peculiar stalagmite forests, butterfly valleys, and firefly caves, which are all very fresh experiences for us. It feels like stepping into a heavenly realm,” said Cong Nan.

The massive influx of visitors has not only brought benefits to the scenic area but has also injected vitality into the Simentong Village in Yishui County. As the location of the “Firefly Cave and Underground Grand Canyon” scenic area, Simentong Village boasts beautiful natural scenery and unique karst landforms. Taking advantage of its geographical location, the village has embarked on a path of harmonious coexistence and mutual benefit between the scenic area and the village, contributing to rural revitalization.

“In the past, Simentong Village was underdeveloped as a scenic area, with a small scale and inadequate supporting facilities. The development channels for the tourism industry were severely limited. Many visitors would inquire about suitable accommodations nearby after visiting the scenic area,” explained Xu Yangmin, the Party branch secretary of Simentong Village. “Fortunately, with the support of national policies, we utilized idle resources such as barren slopes and vacant house sites within the village to develop boutique homestays like Huazhu-Dongxianju and the Moon Town leisure shopping center. The rural tourism industry has gradually prospered.”

Building upon the improvement of the village’s appearance, Simentong Village has always adhered to the development concept of “building the scenic area within the village and integrating the village into the scenic area.” It has successfully integrated the conservation of traditional villages with the construction of characteristic pastoral rural areas, effectively preserving the charm of Yimeng-style village dwellings such as ancient streets, alleys, and flowing streams, restoring over 5,000 square meters of stone-paved roads, bluestone walls, and red-tiled houses.

Today, Simentong Village has become a blessed land where the village is prosperous and Yimeng culture flourishes. “We are now vigorously creating a model of rural revitalization in Shandong, and every village has its own charm. My home happens to be located within the scenic area. Next, we will further leverage the advantages of the scenic area and the village, integrate beautiful rural construction with agricultural, cultural, and tourism integration, enrich the cultural and tourism industry, promote rural revitalization, and achieve common prosperity,” said Xu Yangmin, with great anticipation for the future development of Simentong Village.