2023 Jiangsu Province Overseas Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Project Recruitment Startup

In order to thoroughly implement the innovation -driven development strategy, promote high -level technology self -reliance, continue to promote the gathering of global innovation elements to Jiangsu, lead to high -level talents and teams at home and abroad to innovate and entrepreneurship in the Soviet Union, and promote the deep integration of science and technology and finance. The Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Association focuses on the industrial focus of artificial intelligence and new generation of information technology, new energy, life and health. It specially organizes 2023 Jiangsu Overseas Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition to officially issue invitations to global entrepreneurs.

1.Competition time

(1) Online trial: November 22, 2023

(2) Finals and Awards Ceremony: December 14-15, 2023

2.Competition location

(1) Tournament: Online

According to the three major industries (artificial intelligence and new generation of information technology, new energy, life health) based on the three major industries (artificial intelligence and new generation of information technology, new energy, and health)

(2) Finals: Wuxi Yixing

3.Scope and requirements for the competition

(1) The selection direction of this competition will focus on the top ten pillar high -tech industrial clusters proposed by Jiangsu’s “14th Five -Year Plan” to focus on the upstream and downstream industries in related fields such as artificial intelligence and new generation of information technology, new energy, and life and health.

(2) In line with Jiangsu Province’s industrial development orientation; high growth, technology, and innovative enterprises with independent intellectual property rights; have mature entrepreneurial projects and business plans in the field of target participation, domestic leadership in technological achievements; with good market prospects and good market prospects, and with good market prospects and good market prospects and good market prospects, and with good market prospects and good market prospects, and with good market prospects and good market prospects, and have a good market prospects and have good market prospects and have good market prospects and have a good market prospects and have good market prospects and have good market prospects and have good market prospects. With industrialization conditions.

(3) Talent or team leaders are not more than 55 years old (born after January 1, 1968), and have the results of scientific and technological innovation, entrepreneurial plan and overseas study or work experience.

4.Schedule arrangement

The event solicited the standard for registration for the global. After the entrepreneurial team’s independent registration and recommendation of various parties, the team of professional investors and industry experts conducts a preliminary examination of the registration projects to screen 60 projects to advance to online road performances (three online trials, 20 projects per game). The three industry tracks finally screened the top 15 projects (each track was selected) to advance to the finals, and the first, second, and third prizes were decided during the finals.

(1) Start of the contest

On the contest cooperation media platform, uniformly release the start information of the competition. At the same time, it publishes citations and schedule information to the cooperation channels. It is widely publicized through domestic and foreign investment institutions, colleges and universities and other channels to build momentum for the competition. At the same time, the relevant support policies and industrial environments in Jiangsu have promoted the talents and project needs of key enterprises, attracting more related talents and high -quality projects to pay attention to this event.

(2) Project solicitation preliminary seas selection

On the basis of industrial survey, with the leadership of Jiangsu leading industrial needs, the theme of the competition is closely set up, and a professional project recruitment team is formed. Give full play to the advantages of the overseas contact channels and project resources of the Jiangsu Provincial International Science and Technology Exchange and Cooperation Center, and solicit no less than 200 high -quality talent entrepreneurial projects around the industry field. Among them, the proportion of overseas background projects is not less than 50%.

(3) Online trials

This competition has set up three online trials around the three major industries of artificial intelligence and new generation of information technology, new energy, and life and health. In the early stage, after the project collection, preliminary examination sea election, and online review, each session selected no less than 20 projects to enter the online roadshow (10 minutes roadshow & 5 minutes judges interaction). After roadshow competition, combined with the willingness of landing, the top 5 projects in each trial can be promoted to the finals.

(4) Finals

A total of 15 outstanding projects in three games are recommended to enter the finals. Through the project roadshow, on -site defense, comprehensive assessment and other links, determine the winning projects, including 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, 3 third prizes, and 9 winners.

5.Support policies

(1) Reward support. The Jiangsu Science and Technology Association issued a certificate of winning and provided a total of 100,000 yuan bonus subsidy for the winners of the finals.

(2) Policy support. The award -winning and support policies of the award -winning projects are determined according to the terms of the Wuxi Talent Project, and they enjoy the corresponding policy support in accordance with the classification of enterprises and talents.

6.Registration method

(1) Channel registration

Associations, parks, industry institutions, investment institutions, universities, scientific research institutes and other institutions such as domestic and foreign cooperation.

(2) Registration of WeChat public account

The WeChat public account of the Jiangsu International Science and Technology Exchange and Cooperation Center pushes the contest information and releases registration information. Participants can submit the registration form through the WeChat public account to understand the dynamics of the competition at any time and pay attention to the event process.

(3) Website registration

Registration staff can log in to the event registration website:

https://m.haichuanggu.com/match/detail/174, click the link above the webpage, enter the registration page to fill in the registration form for the registration materials. The deadline for registration is November 17, 2023.

(4) Registration for telephone and mailboxes

Contact the staff of the competition, get the registration form, and submit the registration information.

Work consultation: Zhejiang Saichuang Future Entrepreneurship Investment Management Co., Ltd.

Contact: Shen Wei

Contact number: 15987797425 (with WeChat)

Email: [email protected]